About Testosterone and Emotions
Testosterone is best known as the male sex hormone, but recent studies also point to the widespread effect of the hormone on the mind. Men and women are at the peak of their vitality when the hormone levels in their bodies are normal, but what to do after age 50? The answer to this question is in the article before you.
Testosterone is primarily recognized as the male sex hormone and has many physiological effects, including: improving sexual function, building muscle mass and more. Lately, research has shown that beyond its physiological effects, testosterone hormone also has emotional and psychological effects on both sexes, and is largely responsible for the personal differences between women and men.
Testosterone is produced in both sexes, but it exists in men in greater quantities than in women. The hormone begins to form in the male body as it passes through its mother's womb, around the sixth week of pregnancy, and its production increases towards adolescence. It is this hormone that makes transitioning male teenagers into adult men, as it encourages the process of thickening of the voice, hair growth on the face and chest and the creation of sperm cells.
In the psychological sense, studies show that as early as infancy there are differences between male and female infants associated with the testosterone hormone. The differences are as following: the level of independence, the way motor development, social interaction and more. With age, gender differences are mainly reinforced by social orders and education, but the initial diagnosis creates the testosterone hormone.
What are male character traits?
One of the masculine traits associated with the testosterone level is the competitiveness and motivation to achieve.
Research shows that maintaining testosterone levels is also associated with increased assertiveness, dominance, intellectual ability, and self-confidence. Experts believe that testosterone creates successful athletes, leading politicians and strong businessmen.
In ancient times, it was these traits that led to the survival of mankind. Men with a good testosterone level were better hunters and warriors, and they also won spouses and the right to breed. Today, they are more related to personal achievement or to achieving status, money and more.
Studies involving women who have been given testosterone supplements have found that these women have successfully developed masculine traits in their personality and have been able to better cope with work and male-dominated environments. The hormone has enhanced their ambition and ability to take command and reach new personal highs.
The good effect of testosterone on the mental state depends on the level and manner of taking the supplement. As with any situation, testosterone overdoses may have adverse effects, such as an increase in aggression, a decrease in emphatic ability and ability to function in society. Therefore, it is important to maintain proper testosterone levels, and it is also advisable to choose supplements that maintain a good and uniform physiological level when taking supplements.
What Happens After Age 50?
After the age of 50, testosterone levels in the body begin to decline, both in men and in women. Medical studies show that as of this age, the body's hormone production declines by 1% each year. 20% of men over 60 have a lower testosterone level than the norm.
On the psychological and behavioral levels, people with low levels of testosterone report fatigue, depression, memory impairment and decreased sexual desire. On the physiological level, most of these people will experience a decrease in muscle mass, an increase in body fat mass and difficulty getting an erection. The testosterone level drop has many external signs, but in order to diagnose a deficiency the deficiency must be approached by a doctor and a referral for a blood test. After receiving the results, you can consult your doctor about taking a testosterone supplement.
What are the common testosterone supplements?
In the past, the common methods of taking a testosterone supplement included pills or injections to the buttock muscle once a month. This method of treatment has been characterized by many side effects, both physically and mentally. Patients who received a high dose of testosterone once a month described it as an "emotional roller coaster ride," characterized by mood swings and emotional instability.
Therefore, nowadays the preferred method of treatment is through slow release injections that allow the taking of moderately controllable testosterone in moderation, when testosterone does not work through the bloodstream and therefore does not reach the liver and does not cause side effects.