Exercise Endlessly And Body Is Not Growing?

Date: May 02nd, 2020

Exercise endlessly and body is not growing?

10 reasons why…

Exercising on an empty stomach? Repeating the same exercises over and over? Focus on one muscle group? If you answered yes to one of these, you should know that instead of developing the body, you are doing exactly the opposite

Many men spend hours in the gym adoringly on a proper diet - but the result test is not satisfied with the rate of muscle growth in the body. Apparently, those men make one mistake or a combination of a few on the way to the yearned body. Read nine options for mistakes you make - and the way to fix them.


A lean man who wants to develop muscle should eat about 2,000 calories a day!

1. Don't diet

True, excess calories cause excess fat, but if you exercise consistently and properly, most of the food is converted to muscle. The truth is that your muscles will never develop unless you feed your body a sufficient amount of calories.

For example, choosing a lean one who wants to develop muscle is recommended to consume at least 2,000 calories per day. A diet that limits the amount of calories is actually a recipe for losing muscle more than losing weight. Since the body receives a hunger transition, it prefers to store the calories in fat cells in case of an emergency, at the expense of muscle building.

The less protein you eat, the less likely you are to contribute to post-workout muscle building.

2. Don't practice on an empty stomach

There are three ways a workout can damage: work out too often, work out too long, or work out on an empty stomach. In general, daily exercise training causes calorie burn, which the body needs to build muscle. The same is true for training that goes beyond 45 minutes.

Morning training, before breakfast, is problematic. When we wake up, the body is already in a state of burning muscle after the long night's sleep and hours without filling up the food. Training like this will only speed up muscle burning and gain you weight, more than a decent breakfast.

For the body, training on an empty stomach is just like pressing the gas in neutral.


3. Don't do too many repetition sets

A common mistake is to think that training based on loads of repetition sets, to the point of collapse, will contribute to muscle building. More than 20 sets in total on a muscle group or more than 15 repetitions in the set will work on muscular endurance versus hypertrophy or maximal strength.

If you are able to do so many repetition sets, the weight in the gym is probably too low for you, and therefore ineffective for muscle development.


4. Do not exercise on just one muscle group

Some trainers divide the workouts, and every day practice one muscle group and ignore the other. This is an old and outdated approach to fitness training. Unfortunately, there are trainers who continue with this method, and even get short-term results, but the progression stops at some point.

Training that focuses on just one muscle group makes it difficult for muscles to learn to collaborate for the body's efforts in daily challenges.


5. Do not skip the stretching phase

Stretching is boring? Certainly, but the stretches lengthen the muscle movement, allowing the muscle’s fibers to develop.

Do not skip the stretching phase at the start and end of the workout.

Lifting heavy weights

6. Do not lift too many heavyweights

Lifting very heavyweight in an effort to develop muscle quickly is a common mistake. If you are lifting weight beyond your ability, consider that you are increasing the risk of quickly reaching the limit of your athletic ability and separating from the gym forever.

However, if it is an experienced or trained weightlifting trainer, heavy weight lifting works a "maximum strength" fitness component, which has a very important part in muscle growth, maximum strength, and bursting power.


7. Be sure to eat every three hours

Eating rarely is as bad as not eating at all.

When more than three hours have passed without eating, metabolism slows down. By the time you get to eating, a significant percentage of the food will go directly to fat. Why is it happening? Without food, the body gets hungry and starts storing calories as much as it can.


8. Don't always do the same exercises

Repeating these exercises, week after week, will stop progress at best, or lead to burnout at worst. Dealing with new challenges, such as lifting weight on the device or changing the number of repetitions, helps preserve muscle.

However, changing the occasional exercises will push you forward and help to build muscle.


9. Don't focus only on the top

Targeted chest and arms training can be more enjoyable, but it will not contribute to overall development. Since 70% of the muscles are located in the legs and back, training to the top only leaves a lot of unrealized potential.

In addition, strengthening the chest and arms group without strengthening your back and legs can cause sports injuries that keep you out of the gym over time.


10. Drink protein shakes

Protein shake after training helps fast muscle recovery, replenishing glycogen, and adds nutrients needed to build muscle.

Smoothie is an available, easy-to-use, simple, and ideal fat-reduction product that has a fast and efficient absorption, but it is not a substitute for proper eating of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates at a daily meal.

P.S. Use Anabolic Steroids

If all the 10 tips did not work, and the muscles did not grow, we highly suggest that you will try anabolic steroids, which will increase results faster than the other methods.

You can buy anabolic steroids in the trusted shop here.