How I lost 32 kilograms
The 34-year-old Jacklin reached a whopping 90 pounds - until the most welcome change has come.
Jacklin Desalto, 34, from Dublin, almost lost control of her body, and by the age of 29, she had gained 90 pounds. “I was able to eat a large portion of pasta in cream and yellow cheese at noon and to eat a burger that evening as well. The weight didn't stop climbing”, she says.
At the age of 29, she became depressed as a result of her physical condition, and her blood tests showed alarming signs of cholesterol and blood lipids and low vitamin values.
Where did the long-awaited change come from?
“My mom pushed me and picked me up - she decided to take me to a support group. There I got the initial push, explained to me what to eat and what to avoid, how to check dietary and caloric values, and more. I already knew what was allowed, what was forbidden, and how. I was amazed at how much I didn't know, and how I lived before. The last few pounds out of the 90 I had already dropped off almost naturally since I led a proper lifestyle. It took me three years to reach my weight today, with occasional breaks. There was a time that I suddenly gained five pounds but I wasn't scared and dropped them off wisely and moderately”.
What does your day look like today?
“Today, I maintain a controlled diet, and three hours a week doing one-hour walks, or cycling for an hour. After a few years working in insurance, I fell in love with health, and today I function as a proper nutrition coach, I started a support group and I plan to open more groups”.
Jacklin's menu
Bio yogurt + dates and nuts or two slices of light bread with cheese/pastrami/tuna
Jacklin's Tip: Have a good and satisfying breakfast that will keep you calm until the next meal.
Vegetables, whole rice / quinoa / chickpeas / whole pasta, chicken breast / meatballs.
Jacklin's Tip: Try to eat whole grains and nutrients. Twice a week, the meat can be replaced with chickpeas or lentils, and when combined with whole grains - get a full protein.
A serving of fruit or 3 pancakes I make myself.
Jacklin's Tip: A recipe for healthy pancakes and low-calorie foods:
(About 13 pancakes)
Mix 4 tablespoons white cheese, 4 tablespoons flour (preferably full), 2 eggs, 2 tablespoons regular sugar. Pour a large tablespoon of the mixture and fry on a Teflon pan, which you have greased with less than a teaspoon of oil.
You can eat 3 as a meal, and most indulgently - with a bitter chocolate cube and banana.
Emphasize proteins: a box of tuna in water/egg, cheese spoon, whole rye bread, and the most varied vegetables possible - either fresh, in the oven or microwave.
Jacklin's tip: It is worth studying the benefits of different vegetables, mushrooms, and eggplant for example are just like meat if you prepare them properly. Know a variety of vegetables and enjoy their benefits, even in terms of their nutritional value and no less important - in terms of taste.
Night snacks:
Snacks for the soul: Energy snack - up to 100 calories.
Jacklin's Tip: Make a vessel of up to 100 calories for little doses, such as microwave popcorn, energy snacks, low-fat yogurt cup, and more.
Besides, Jacklin delivers two luxurious meals a week - in which she eats whatever she needs, without charge.