Abdominal fat is associated with many health problems and diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer. It should be noted that visceral fat accumulations are dangerous for health, since they do not accumulate in the subcutaneous layers of the waist and hips, but around the abdominal organs.
This is because these fat cells produce hormones and other substances that can affect your health. There are so many dangerous and ineffective tricks that supposedly allow you to get rid of belly fat. To be honest, there is no “magic button” specifically aimed at fat in the abdomen, but in this article we will tell you what is the cause of the growing waist, and how to get rid of this fat.
Part 1:Get Your Metabolism Go Faster
1. Reduce stress. Research has shown that the release of cortisol (a hormone produced by your body during stress) is associated with increased fat in the stomach. Here are some ways to deal with daily stress:
- Sleep enough. Most adults need at least 7 hours of sleep every night to feel good. Half an hour before bedtime, turn off all screens, such as a computer or tablet, to improve its quality.
- Take time to relax. Even if it will be 15 minutes during your lunch break, take the time to simply close your eyes, breathe deeply and forget about all thetroubles.
- Remove any things that cause stress from the bedroom. If possible, then do not work or do not do what causes stress in your bedroom. The bedroom is a place to relax, for work - select another room. Leave all worries and worries behind the door as soon as you enter this room.
2. Strive to walk 10,000 steps per day. In one study, people reduced their steps per day from 10,000 to 1,500 (without changing their diet), and their visceral fat level increased by 7% after 2 weeks.
- Try to walk at every opportunity. Walk to work, school or groceries.
- Get a pedometer and try to increase the number of steps that you go through daily.
- Climb the stairs instead of the elevator, walk instead of driving by car.
- Get up every 30 minutes and go 30 steps. If you have a sedentary job, then consider purchasing a treadmill.
3 Replace refined cereals with whole grains. During a scientific study, people who ate only whole grains (at the same time eating fruits and vegetables five times a day, low-fat non-fat dairy products three times a day and lean meat, fish or poultry twice a day) lost more fat on the stomach than another group of people who adhered to the same diet, only with refined cereal products.
- Whole grain foods are rich in fiber, making you feel full longer. By consuming such foods, you will eat less, which will contribute to weight loss.
- Avoid white cereals. For example, eat brown bread instead of processed white, and prefer brown rice instead of white.
4. Drink enough water. According to studies, the constant use of water during the day can cause a more active metabolism, regardless of nutrition. Water cleans toxins and improves overall health.
- Try to drink 8 glasses of water (2 liters) per day.
- Always carry a bottle of water with you so you can drink when thirsty.
- Know how to determine that you are drinking enough water. If the urine is colorless, then everything is in order. If it is yellow, you need to drink more liquid.
- Consume less alcohol and sugary drinks such as sweet tea, fruit punch, natural fruit juices, Coca Cola, 7UP, Pepsi and other carbonated drinks.
5. Have breakfast. At first glance, this may seem impractical - eat, wanting to lose weight, but, according to research, breakfast within an hour after you wake up, maintains a stable level of insulin and low LDL (“bad cholesterol”).
Healthy breakfast
- Protein-rich foods: eggs, beans, peanut butter, nuts, lean meats.
- Fiber-rich foods: oatmeal, fresh fruits, leafy green vegetables.
- Avoid foods high in refined carbohydrates: sweet flakes, muffins, pastries, instant cereals.
- Tip: oatmeal and other fiber-rich foods maintain normal blood sugar levels, allowing you to lose weight faster.
Part 2 Exercises for Fat Loss
1. Practice a little. Studies have shown that interval training or variable short-term energy surges with short interruptions can improve muscle tissue and increase stamina faster than traditional exercises.
Interval training for weight loss
- Run short distances: run at maximum speed for 20 seconds, then slow down to a step until you recover your breath. Repeat the exercise for 10 minutes.
- Sports equipment: for interval training you will need a treadmill, elliptical or exercise bike.
- Short exercises: every day as often as possible for 5 minutes, walk at a fast pace or climb stairs.
2. Increase cardio load. Aerobic exercises, which make your heart beat faster, burn calories faster and help you lose fat all over your body, including your stomach. You can’t burn fat in only one place (in our case, on the stomach), but (good news!) It is usually burned first, as soon as you start exercising, regardless of your figure and size.
- Measure kilometers. Keep track of your progress by measuring how long you run a kilometer. As your stamina rises, you will notice how time begins to shrink.
- Cure pain in the anterior region of the leg. If while running you have pain in the anterior region of the lower leg, then you may be leaning excessively (that is, your weight falls on the outside of the foot when you step on it). There are special shoes that relieve this pain.
- Do not overdo it. Start with three cardio workouts per week, or do light exercises, such as walking in fast steps for 30 minutes daily. Know the measure: there is no need to overdo it. The body needs time to recover, and muscles - to form. In addition, if you train too hard every day, you can get injured.
3. Add resistance exercises. A 2006 study published by the International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism suggests the idea that combining aerobic exercise with resistance training not only strengthens the cardiovascular system, but also eliminates fat in the abdominal cavity. You can train using dumbbells, special fitness equipment or an expander. Also in strength exercises, you can use unstable positions (or special supports) to increase muscle activity.
4. Wait a while with twists. Abdominal twists and torso enhance the abdominal muscles, but you will not be able to see them under a layer of fat on the abdomen. In fact, twisting can make your stomach look even bigger as you pump up your abs. Instead, do exercises for the back, which will improve posture and reduce belly. To focus on your core muscles:
Alternative core muscle exercises
- Strap. Take a position, as for push-ups: lower on your elbows and forearms. Retract the abdomen, back, neck and buttocks should take a straight line. Hold for 30 seconds or as long as you can. Relax and repeat 3-5 times.
- Squats Stand with your legs slightly apart (about 20 centimeters), extend your arms in front of you and sit down, pushing your hips back. Do 4 sets of 15–20 squats.
- Side stretch. Stand flat with your feet shoulder width apart. Put your right hand on your right thigh, raise your left hand up so that your palm looks to the right. While maintaining balance, lean to the right and stretch your left hand to the right, stretching your left side. Do 3-5 sets on each side.
Part 3 Diet for Fat Loss
1. Reduce your calorie intake. Until you reduce your calorie intake, you will not lose belly fat. You can use various calorie counting apps.
- To lose a pound of fat, you need to create a calorie deficit of 3500 kcal. You can do this in two ways: burn these calories while playing sports, or eat 3500 less calories. Everything needs to be done gradually: to burn 3500 calories in a week, create a daily calorie deficit of 500 kcal. For example, 250 calories can be burned while playing sports, and the remaining 250 - by cutting food.
- Try to lose no more than one kilogram per week. Losing more weight can harm the body and lead to a breakdown from the diet, and then the lost pounds will return very quickly.
- Keep a food diary. Most people underestimate how much they eat. Honestly promise yourself to write down everything you ate in a week. Using the online calorie calculator, find out about how many calories you consume per day. Based on this data, think about what you can reduce.
- Try a diet that consumes 2200 calories (if you are a man) and 2000 calories (if you are a woman) per day. This creates a calorie deficit sufficient to burn a pound or kilogram per week, depending on the degree of your activity. Some women need to reduce their calorie intake to 1800 or 1500 per day. Start with 2000 and if there is no progress, reduce this number.
- Do not consume less than 1200 calories per day.
2. Eat healthy fats. According to studies, a diet with higher levels of monounsaturated fats - such as avocados, nuts, seeds, soybeans, and chocolate - can prevent belly fat accumulation.
- Trans fats (in margarine, crackers, cookies or other products containing partially hydrogenated oil) contribute to a greater deposition of fat in the abdomen. Avoid them.
3. Include more fiber in your diet. Soluble fiber (found in apples, oats, and cherries) lowers insulin levels, which can speed up the burning of fat on your stomach. Women need to consume 25 grams of fiber per day, and men need 30 grams.
- Add fiber to your diet gradually. If at the moment you are eating 10 grams of fiber per day, then you do not need to immediately go to 35 grams for the next. Natural bacteria in your digestive system take time to adapt to more fiber.
- Eat the peel of fruits and vegetables. You will increase fiber intake only if you eat unpeeled fruits and vegetables, because they contain more fiber. Do not peel apples before eating them.
- When baking potatoes or making mashed potatoes from it, leave the peel. If you peel potatoes, then make a snack from the peel, for example, sprinkle it with olive oil, sprinkle with rosemary, salt and garlic and bake for 15 minutes at 205 ° C. The left peel on the potato, when boiled, helps to preserve more vitamins and minerals (but do not eat green peel).
- Eat more pea soup. Peas are a “food of strength” rich in fiber. One plate of such a soup contains 16 grams of dietary fiber.
Part 4 Measure Your Success
1. Calculate the waist-hip index. Your waist-hip index - or your waist circumference divided by your hip circumference - can be a good indicator when trying to get rid of belly fat. Here's how you can calculate it:
- Grab the tape measure around the thinnest part of your waist around your belly button. Record the result.
- Grab the widest part of your thighs with a measuring tape where a bone protrusion is probed about 1/3 of the way from your pelvic bone. Record the result.
- Divide the result of the waist circumference by the result of the hip circumference.
- Know which indicator is considered normal. For women, this indicator should be 0.8 or lower, for men - 0.9 or lower.
2. Keep recording your results in the process. Using some of the strategies described above, keep recording the results so that you can see the progress.
- How your body distributes fat throughout the body depends on genetics, menopause, and other factors. It is impossible to control this. But it’s in your power to control the overall level of fat - if you maintain weight at a normal level, it will not matter for you exactly where it is, because it simply will not be visible.
3. Weigh yourself at the same time every day. Body weight varies depending on the time of day: after eating, a person weighs more, empty when empty - less. Therefore, it is better to be weighed at the same time of the day. It is best to be weighed in the morning on an empty stomach.
- Exercise in the morning, it is in the morning that most of the calories are burned. Perform an exercise with a spread of arms and legs at the same time, pushups and perform other exercises to not only start your metabolism, but also wake up!
- Remember, burning fat in only one place is impossible. Fat is burned throughout the body, not in a specific area. If you want to get rid of belly fat, be prepared for the fact that you will lose weight in other areas.
- If you often have a snack, then replace sweets and sugar with fruit. Dietary fiber in fruits slows down the absorption of sugars, so you will not have such a sharp surge of energy from eating sweets, as well as its fall.
- Stick a sticker on the refrigerator with a reminder that you need to stay away from sweets and chips, because you are losing weight!
- Avoid fast food establishments.
- Find a friend to work out together. A partner in sports allows you to be more responsible in your actions, and it also serves as an additional incentive not to miss classes.
- If you swing the abs and do twists, it is likely that the abdomen will increase in size, as the abdominal muscles will increase in size and change shape and begin to bulge along with the fat so that it will appear larger and thicker. Better spend time on cardio and strength training.
- Do not even try to lose weight fast. Radical diets, diet pills are harmful to the body. Even if you manage to achieve the desired weight in a short time, it is unlikely to save it for a long time. Do not look for easy ways, better change your lifestyle to a healthier one and stick to it. So you lose extra pounds and improve health. A healthy lifestyle (proper nutrition, exercise) can not only maintain weight, but also maintain health.