The plateau phenomenon in the gym workout and the connection to the use of anabolic steroids.

Date: May 02nd, 2020

The plateau phenomenon in the gym workout and the connection to the use of anabolic steroids

Weight training is especially common. A short note notes the many benefits of this workout, which include, among other things, improving anaerobic ability. However, we should note that in recent years, many other resistance training courses have emerged that can also improve anaerobic and other physical abilities. For example CrossFit, track training of various types, kettlebell training, and more. It should be noted that one of the training goals is especially common for those who regularly visit the gym and especially for men here - raising muscle mass (hypertrophy). To do this, you need to adhere to certain rules in order for this to happen, including:

  1. Number of strength training 3-6 times a week.
  2. Split training - characterized by the fact that in each workout, certain muscle groups are exercised. For example, in AB split training, for one thing, it is customary to activate the muscle groups on one leg (legs, back, elbow and abdomen) on the other (B) to activate the other 4 muscle groups: chest, shoulders, elbow flexors and back spine.
  3. Increased protein intake.
  4. A sufficient amount of testosterone hormone.
  5. Adhere to appropriate training doses and exercises.

Despite adhering to the above rules/conditions to achieve the goal of training - muscular hypertrophy, more often than not, the various trainees experience the plateau phenomenon. This is due to various reasons that are often the failure to replace a workout program at the right frequency, weight lifting too low, failure to maintain the nutritional menu and in general - the required sports lifestyle, and more. Or then, it is common to notice situations where there is no level progression (plateau) and moreover - there may also be regression (will be reflected in the level decline achieved).

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Interesting is the phenomenon in which they train with a total of 1-2 years in the gym and are already in a situation where they do not progress almost at all at the training level. This has negative consequences, of course, to the extent of the increase in muscle mass and the overall external appearance affected. Then, unfortunately, even before they try to make a change and exercise more professionally and improve their behavior in general (i.e. maintaining an athletic lifestyle that includes: quality and sufficient sleep, appropriate dietary menu adoption and more), they choose to use anabolic steroids to advance them much faster towards the goal. In some cases, these are really absurd situations where the level of trainee is low and in no way makes sense to use the same problematic substances that are clearly beyond any doubt that they are detrimental to health, behavioral, cognitive, and more. For example, a 25-year-old opponent (real name pseudonym) can be brought in, weighs 85kg and trains for a year and a half (4 times a week) in a gym. The adversary's progress in weight training is very slow and the weights are low and do not reflect training, failed with 4 weekly resistance training in the gym.

In this case, too, it is done by an opponent using anabolic steroids. But because of his conduct in training and abroad, which he lacks, the results he expected were not really to his satisfaction. It is important to note at this point that due to the particularly high profit of traffickers in the same problematic substances, in a large number of cases, the trainees are sold in quantities of steroids which are of a particularly large quantity and which are not needed. Due to the great ignorance of most of the trainers, they use the same materials in the predetermined period and the problem is therefore great. This is about health risk, not a lot of money, and much more.

Before turning to the way of using those very common anabolic steroids in, we should note the following:

  1. Consult a professional in the field including Physical Exerciser, veteran and experienced fitness trainer, and more.
  2. Maintain a high enough intensity during all weights training.
  3. Replace a training program every 30-45 days on average and sometimes, when it comes to a higher level of training, more often.
  4. Avoid doing too long strength training. The weight training should take about 45-60 minutes for all levels of trainers (and sometimes even shorter).
  5. Perform appropriate dosage and quality of aerobic workouts that are associated with the potential for increasing muscle mass (especially if it is very prolonged or intense workouts, without control).
  6. Ensure a sporting lifestyle as much as possible. Balance on a nutritional menu, including adhering to the recommended protein according to body weight, and other variables (it is very important to consult a clinical sports dieter on the subject).

In summary, before turning to the shortcuts and using anabolic steroids to achieve different workout goals in the gym, it is very important to make a change in the way you perform each day at the same time - in terms of training. We note that great results can be achieved without the use of these substances, as mentioned in the article.

If you checked for yes to all proposed tips and still didn’t reach the goal, then consider buy anabolic steroids.