Testo-Enan Gen
- Ingredient:Testosterone Enanthate
- Manufacturer:AVoGen Lab
- Brand Name:Testosterone Enanthate
Testo-Enan Gen 250 mg 10 ml
Qty: | Total | Item price | Saving | |
1 vial | $65.00 | $65.00 | - |
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Testo-Enan Gen 250 represents an ester of the naturally occurring androgen, Testosterone. It is responsible for the normal development of the male sex characteristics. When insufficient production of testosterone occurs, an almost complete balance of the functional, anatomic, and psychic deficiency symptoms can be achieved by substituting testosterone.
In bodybuilding, however, Testo-Enan Gen 250 is the “mass building steroid.” No matter what you think of Dianabol, Parabolan, Anadrol and others, when it comes to strength, muscle mass, and rapid weight gains, testosterone is still the King.
The decisive advantage of Testo-Enan Gen 250 is that this substance has a very strong androgenic effect and is coupled with an intense anabolic component. This allows almost everyone, within a short time, to build up a lot of strength and mass. The rapid and strong weight gain is combined with distinct water retention since retention of electrolytes and water occurs.
A pleasant effect is that the enormous strength gain goes hand in hand with the water retention. Weightlifters and powerlifters, especially in the higher weight classes, appreciate this characteristic. In this group, Testo-Enan Gen 250, Testosterone Cypionate, and Sustanon are the number one steroids; this is also clearly reflected in the dosages.
Dosages of 500 mg, 1000 mg or even 2000 mg per day are no rarity-mind you, per day, not per week. Sports disciplines requiring a high degree of raw power, aggressiveness, and stamina offer an excellent application for Testosterone Enanthate. Those who have problems with their joints, shoulder cartilages or with intervertebral disks, due to years of heavy training, show the first signs of wear can get temporary relief by taking testosterone.
The generally taken dose-as already mentioned-varies from 250 mg/ week up to 2000 mg/day. The most sensible dosage for most athletes is between 250-1000 mg/week. Normally a higher dosage should not be necessary. When taking up to 500 mg/week the dosage is normally taken all at once, thus 2 ml of solution are injected. A higher dosage should be divided into two injections per week.
The quantity of the dose should be determined by the athlete’s developmental stage, his goals, and the quantity of his previous steroid intake. The so called beach and disco bodybuilders do not need 1000 mg of Testosterone Enanthate 250/week.
Testo-E Gen 250 strongly promotes the regeneration process. This leads to distinctly shorter overcompensation phases, an increased feeling of well-being, and a distinct energy increase. This is also the reason why several athletes are able to work out twice daily for several hours six times a week and continue to build up mass and strength. Those who can work out again, two hours after a hard leg workout know that Testosterone Enanthate works.
Athletes who take Testo-Enan Gen 250 report an excessively strong pump effect during training. This “steroid pump” is attributed to an increased blood volume with a higher oxygen supply and a higher quantity of red blood cells. Those who take mega doses of Testo-Enan Gen 250 will already feel an enormous pump in their upper thighs and calves when climbing stairs.
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